Speed Science Training Systems | Sport-Études/Sport Concentration
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Sport-Études/Sport Concentration


Empowering student athletes to succeed on and off the field.

SSTS Academy is a multisport, age-appropriate program, focussing on speed, agility, strength, and sport-specific training, for both boys and girls. Working with John Rennie High School (Lester B. Pearson School Board) and École secondaire des Sources (Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys), we provide a challenging environment that motivates and stimulates student-athletes to achieve the best of their abilities—both in the classroom and in their athletic performance.

Unlike other programs, SSTS employs a holistic approach to athletic performance. SSTS Academy student-athletes have the same access to the facility’s suite of complementary services available to the professional athletes.  Services include: individualized nutrition plans, osteopathy, physiotherapy, massage, and sports psychology. Also, during the school year, athletes will participate in off-site team-building activities, attend seminars with guest speakers, and have the opportunity to both tour cégep and university campuses, and attend sporting events at the post-secondary level.

Many of SSTS Academy’s athletes have gone on to successful post-secondary athletic careers in college and university.